Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Henry V

Finished Henry V, and to be honest .... I didn't like it.  Okay thats sort of dramatic. I appreciated it as a historical play and I did enjoy it more than Henry IV. However, and what I'm about to say may expose me as a hopeless romantic, I much prefer Shakespeare's romantic, tragic, and comedic plays. I felt like Henry V lacked any kind of accomplishment or character growth.  Yes he definitely changed a lot from the Henry IV but I wouldn't call it progressing, or even digressing. It was like he exchanged some traits for some other different, but equally mediocre ones.  That may be harsh but.... he went from a party boy to a semi pervy man who conquered a country because he thinks he deserves it.  Okay, so that last part isn't Shakespeare's fault, its history but I feel the same.  Part of the reason I loved the tempest so much was the character development and growth.  For example, Prospero starts out with only revenge on his mind, but in the end he forgives his brother. I love me a meaningful happy ending and in Henry V it ended with a forced marriage to a selfish king which was neither happy or meaningful. On the plus side movie wise Henry V has a boss costume.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not finished with this play yet, but while I'm reading it I'm...touch and go? Don't really know how to put it, but the tempest was SO much easier to follow (probably because it didn't have a bazillion characters)...
